“Cultural Transformation” is a big deal in the business world right now.  Chalk it up to several factors: a) An aging executive and middle-management base 2) the continued compressed economy and 3) a massive influx of technology that empowers buyers.  All three factors are causing companies to re-think their business models, their marketing plans – and their internal culture.

The common question is “How do we create a positive culture?” – or some variance of that question.

Here is a fresh idea … let’s reverse engineer the question.  How would you destroy a culture?

  1. Provide a livable income for minimal output: this would ensure that everyone always has a job – regardless of productivity or profitability.
  2. Create a sense of entitlement:  change the language from “I earned” to “I deserve”; embed this thinking in your training programs and new employee recruiting.
  3. Subsidize destructive behavior: as part of your benefits package, provide free cake to everyone.
  4. Remove accountability: remove systems that measure performance and make sure to have zero standards.
  5. Ostracize the successful: if someone performs better than others, be sure to spread the results of their success around. If they won’t comply, remind them of the importance of sacrifice.

Finally, to destroy a culture, “leaders” would tell the people that their situation (and the condition of the company) is someone else’s fault – and they (the leaders) are the only ones that can fix this injustice.  Of course, privately the executives would do the opposite of all 5 of these steps- because, well, they would love to be successful.

The net effect would be to create an institutionalized culture where power resides in who controls information, who has legacy/tenure, and who can best identify threats to the system.

If this looks like the company you work for (or the place you live), maybe it’s time to speak up.