
Every organization wants to be innovative, but many fall flat without a comprehensive plan that not only maps out the process from creation to implementation, but also includes a strategy for bringing people along during the process.

Innovation and transformation are necessary for growth—and ultimately keeping your company relevant. Let Price Associates help you discover your next big idea.

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  • Assessments
  • Innovation Systems
  • Strategic Planning
  • Training
  • Workshops
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The Innovator’s Advanage

This program is a system for change management, growth innovation and competitive results.

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4 Steps to Gain a Talent Advantage with Upskilling

Dr. Evans Baiya,, May 2022

Talent development is key to building a competitive organization. 

A common mistake is to think your organization’s competitive advantage only comes from products and services, but this is not true. A competitive advantage is a result of superior talent—who are then able to make more contextual products and services and deliver them to the right customer, in the right context, and at the right time. Your talented employees are truly the ones who drive the success of your business.

The Leader as Innovator

Host Dale Dixon and Executive Advisor Ron Price discuss the role of the leader as an innovator. Ron tells the story of how he and Dr. Evans Baiya connected to write The Innovator’s Advantage and details the two types of innovation. He also shares steps for leaders to create a culture of innovation, and the impact of ideas as the currency of the innovation economy.

Is Communication Sabotaging Your Ability to Innovate?

Dr. Evans Baiya, February 2022

Avoid these four communications landmines as you navigate the stages of innovation.

Innovation can sometimes feel like a winding journey that includes steps forward, backward and sideways. There are even landmines along the way that can stall or derail the process. These landmines are often communication points that, if not properly structured, will cause dysfunction, disengagement, lack of ownership, and lack of creativity within a team or an organization.

When this happens, what could be a groundbreaking idea is as good as dead. You need successful communication during each of the Six Stages of Innovation, or your team will fail to complete the innovation journey. Avoid communication sabotage by being aware of these four landmines.

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