Thank you, Dr. Carol Gaffney, for your insightful webinar presentation on developing resilience and becoming stress-hardy in today’s challenging world.   Dr. Gaffney is a Consulting Psychologist and Peak Performance Coach.

Dr. Gaffney invited us to visit her website and check out the “Two-Minute Moments”.   Each of the relaxation scripts was written knowing that most people don’t have many moments to themselves but might be able to find two minutes in a busy day.  Along with Dr. Gaffney, we encourage you to bookmark this page and return to select your favorite script whenever you have a chance: while on hold, between meetings, when you want just two minutes for your self.

We also like to describe Dr. Gaffney as a “Mental Toughness” Coach. I think “Mental Toughness” would make a great topic for a future webinar, don’t you? If you agree, let me know!