By Sunnie Stobbe

At the beginning of every year, most people make New Year’s Resolutions. Many of us set grandiose and often unattainable goals that are difficult to achieve. Here are some strategies to deepen your goal setting for 2019.

Start with the end in mind. Visualize where you want to be in three months, six months, and a year. There are several resources and tools that can help you imagine the future. For example, you could create a vision board. Select a mélange of images to display that represent the items, events, or accomplishments you desire. Seeing these images every day keeps them fresh in your mind and is a cue to focus on what matters most to you. Another tool that can help you visualize is journaling. You can use a simple blank notebook to jot down your thoughts, or a journal that offers prompts and categories to explore your goals in more detail. Whatever tool you choose, try to keep an open mind and allow to tool to work for you.

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