Author of The Why of Work, Dave Ulrich is also a Professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan and a partner at the RBL Group, a consulting firm focused on helping organizations and leaders deliver value. He studies how organizations build capabilities of leadership, speed, learning, accountability, and talent through leveraging human resources.

Shawn: Hello Dave, thank you for visiting with us. What are your communication style preferences — what causes someone else to be successful when communicating with you?

Dave: I am a strong introvert so I have to fight my predispositions for using email and phone … sometimes the face to face takes time and is emotionally draining, but I do like it with people I am close to. In many cases, technology helps me connect. I especially admire those who respond quickly and openly.

Shawn: What are your communication turn-offs?

Dave: Superficiality, delay in response, avoiding the real issue, and not being honest in dealings.

Shawn: What motivates you professionally and personally?

Dave: Learning … I constantly try to find out something new and interesting about people and places. And also giving back … I enjoy the ability to feel like I have helped someone or something.

Shawn: What are the communication trends you are observing in your work?

Dave: Global connection — being sensitive to the subtle requirements of culture and language. Technology based — getting leverage from technology.

Shawn: Dave, do you have any Talent@Work™ tips you’d be willing to share?


  • Do what you enjoy doing
  • Focus on doing a few things well rather than many things poorly
  • Find simplicity in the messages, especially in a complex world
  • Ask people a lot of questions to learn about how they think and what matters to them

Shawn: Thank you, Dave, for taking the time to visit with us!

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