On April 3rd, I presented a webinar comparing the 25 workplace competencies of the TTI TriMetrix™ HD Assessment and The Complete Leader with the natural strengths of introversion. I gave rationale for my leanings toward introversion or extroversion as having a natural advantage or disadvantage for each. As I explained, you may see things differently. I would love to hear from you if that’s the case. If you’d like to score the 25 competencies yourself and share your results, please email me at andy@price-associates.com with the following:

  1. Your Name
  2. Your Temperament: Introvert (S/C) / Ambivert / Extrovert (D/I)
  3. Your Total Score for Introvert Advantage / Extrovert Advantage

I’m curious to see how others see things differently and would love to hear from some of you that attended or watched the recording of the webinar. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Here’s the scorecard:  SCORECARD